To serve as a permanent organization for persons who served with or were otherwise affiliated with the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, the 173rd Airborne Brigade, or the 173rd Airborne Brigade (Separate), offering opportunities to maintain and strengthen the common bonds among those who were officially assigned or attached to the Brigade.
To further the goals and purpose of the 173rd Airborne Brigade National Association and its constituent organizations and
To represent the National Association at ceremonies and at official functions within the Greater-Washington, D.C., area.
To perpetuate the service and the memory of 173rd Airborne Brigade Soldiers, especially those who died in service to their
country and to provide support for wounded members or alumni of the Brigade who are in the Chapter’s geographic area.
To maintain contact among Sky Soldiers in the greater Washington, D.C. area and to assist those in need whenever possible.
To encourage and promote the spirit and tradition of the Airborne.
To perform acts of charity and good will.
- Chartering and Geographical Area of Responsibility
- The Chapter’s Name and Membership
- The Chapter Newsletter
- The 20th Anniversary of the Brigade’s Deployment to Vietnam Celebration
- Veterans Day and Memorial Day Celebrations
- The 1990 173rd Airborne Brigade Association Annual National Reunion
- Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration of Junction City
- Remembering Dak To
- The Brigade Marker in Arlington National Cemetery
- Recognizing Medal of Honor Awardee Alfred Rascon
- Annual Brigade Marker Ceremony
- Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
- Honoring Fallen Sky Soldiers
- Supporting Wounded Warriors
- Gold Star Family Support
- The 173rd Airborne Brigade Memorial
- Chapter Honors Roberta ‘Cis’ Sigholtz
- Serving Sky Soldiers: Past, Present and Future
Chartering and Geographical Area of Responsibility
Chapter 1 (Sigholtz Capital Chapter), of the then 173rd Airborne Brigade Society, was formed as a result of an initiative to
establish local Chapters of the National 173rd Airborne Brigade Society. In late 1983, Chapter 1 (Sigholtz Capital Chapter) became the first Chapter chartered by National Headquarters of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Society and CPT (R) George Farris became the Chapter’s first President.
A list of past Chapter Presidents can be found as a separate entry on the Chapter website. The Chapter’s designated area includes The District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, CLICK and West Virginia. It also has members located throughout the United States. This dispersion poses challenges when informing and encouraging members to participate in Chapter events.
The Chapter’s Name and Membership
Chapter 1 is named after CPT Robert Sigholtz, Jr., who was mortally wounded while serving with D Company, Second Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, in 1969. Captain Sigholtz was the son of COL (R) Robert Sigholtz, famed 2/503d Commander. Chapter 1 was the first Chapter formally chartered by the 173rd Airborne Brigade Association. The established Chapters represent
Sky Soldiers throughout the United States and our comrades-in-arms in Australia and New Zealand. Since its inception Chapter 1 (Sigholtz Capital Chapter) has set the standard for other Chapters to emulate. Chapter 1 is one of the largest, most active chapters within the Association.
The Chapter Newsletter
One of the earliest Chapter accomplishments was the publishing of a quarterly newsletter. The newsletter, The Herd Word, was designed to encourage communications and esprit among Chapter members. It provides current information on Chapter activities and events and related national activities. It was and remains popular and each publication is eagerly anticipated by
Chapter members.
The 20th Anniversary of the Brigade’s Deployment to Vietnam Celebration
In 1985,OF the chairmanship of Colonel (R) Robert Sigholtz and sixteen dedicated Chapter 1 members, the Chapter under planned, organized, and hosted the first 173rd Airborne Brigade annual reunion ever conducted away from Fort Bragg.
The event celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Brigade’s deployment to Vietnam. The formal dinner was highlighted by a personal message from President Ronald W. Reagan and an inspiring address by General William C. Westmoreland. Among the other highlights of the dinner and reunion included a spectacular performance by the 82nd Airborne Division Chorus and a
Pentagon tour during which Association members were greeted by Secretary of the Army, John O. Marsh, a former paratrooper. The event ended on a solemn note at a Memorial Service held in the Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery in memory of Sky Soldiers killed in the Republic of Vietnam. The service was held 20 years to the day that the Brigade deployed to Vietnam
Veterans Day and Memorial Day Celebrations
Since its establishment, each Veterans Day, the Chapter conducts a wreath laying ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
All Brigade members, their family and friends, are invited to this event.
In recent years, on the day before Veteran’s Day, LTC (R) Roy Lombardo, a former Commander of B Company, 1/503rd Airborne Brigade, conducts a tribute toSIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTERin Arlington National Cemetery. The fallen Sky Soldiers at the Brigade memorial marker 82nd Airborne Color Guard joins the Bravo Bulls and other Herd veterans in paying homage to all airborne heroes resting in Arlington’s hallowed grounds.
The 1990 173rd Airborne Brigade Association Annual National Reunion
In 1990, the Chapter again hosted the annual National Reunion. The reunion took place at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C., and over 600 Sky Soldiers attended. Major General Ellis “Butch” Williamson, the Brigade’s first commander and a Chapter 1 member led the event. The reunion was conducted in concert with the 50th Airborne Anniversary celebration.
Consequently, thousands of paratroopers from all over the United States came to Washington. Secretary of the Army Patrick W. Stone authorized the reactivation of the 173rd Airborne Brigade for 24 hours, an act that allowed the Brigade to uncase its colors and proudly march as an “active unit” in the parade of airborne units down Constitution Avenue. This was the culminating event of the Airborne Anniversary.
Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration of Junction City
On 22 February, 1997 the Chapter hosted a dinner to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the 2/503′s combat jump in Vietnam (Operation Junction City). This Fort Belvoir Officers’ Club event was supported by the U.S. Army Color guard. General John “Uncle Jack” Deane, the Brigade Commander who led the jump, and COL Robert Sigholtz, the 2/503rd commander, were honored guests. This was a superb event attended by a great number of proud Sky Soldiers including a total of eighty-seven troopers who actually participated in this historic parachute assault.
Remembering Dak To
In November 1997 the Chapter hosted a memorial luncheon on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Battle of Dak To. Nearly two hundred Sky Soldiers and their families attended, including 110 of the Sky Soldiers who participated in that battle. The event served as a solemn remembrance for all that gave the supreme sacrifice during that epic battle. Bob Kimmitt, the for-mer Ambassador to Germany and a former battery commander in the 3/319th Artillery, and The Most Reverend Edwin O’Brien, Coadjutor Archbishop, Archdiocese for the Military Services and a former Sky Soldier, presided. Former Sky Soldiers General
Johnnie Wilson, Commander, Army Material Command, and his Deputy LTG James Link, also attended. General Wilson served as the keynote speaker. The event was supported by the U.S. Army Color Guard, the Army Band, and the Army Chorus.
The Brigade Marker in Arlington National Cemetery
In early 1998, the Chapter volunteered, on behalf of the National Association, to establish a living memorial in Arlington National Cemetery to honor fallen Sky Soldiers. The memorial consists of an inscribed stone with a memorial tree planted behind. The Brigade insignia and the insignia of the Australian and New Zealand Armies, the Brigade’s brethren in Vietnam, were inscribed on the memorial marker. On 2 May, 1998 this memorial was dedicated by the then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton, a former Sky Soldier and member of Chapter 1. Brigade’s first Commander, MG Ellis Williamson also attended. The Australian and New Zealand Military Attaches were honored attendees. Nearly 100 Sky Soldiers, their families, and friends attended the dedication on that rainy Saturday morning. The Army Color Guard and the Army Band Bugler supported the event.
In May 2007, the Chapter rededicated the marker as it was replaced with another. The new marker has a revised inscription that not only honors Brigade Vietnam fallen from the Vietnam-Era but also those Killed in Action during the Global War On Terrorism deployments and others who make the ultimate sacrifice in future battles in which the Brigade may engage. Over 50 Sky Sol-diers, their families, and friends attended the new marker dedication.
Recognizing Medal of Honor Awardee Alfred Rascon
On 8 February, 2000, the Sigholtz-Capital President was honored to represent Chapter 1 as one of its members, COL (R) Alfred Rascon, was awarded the Medal of Honor (MOH) by President William Clinton in the White House. Al was awarded the MOH for extraordinary courage while serving as a Specialist Four Medic in action in Vietnam on 16 March, 1966. Later that eve-
ning the Secretary of the Army hosted a reception at the Fort Myer Officers’ Club to which all Chapter members were invited. The Chapter is honored to have a MOH recipient on its rolls.
Annual Brigade Marker Ceremony
In May of 1999, the Chapter initiated a ceremony at the Brigade Marker, in Arlington National Cemetery, that honors our fallen Sky Soldiers from all eras. This ceremony is conducted annually on the Saturday closest to the fifth of May, the date the 173rd Airborne Brigade deployed to Vietnam. The name of every Sky Soldier lost in battle is honored as his rank, name, and date of sacrifice is read aloud by fellow Sky Soldiers. All Sky Soldiers are encouraged to participate in honoring these fallen heroes.
Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
In 2002, the Chapter arranged another event that honored our fallen Sky Soldiers and symbolically honored all that have fallen over the many years of conflict defending the right to freedom. With the assistance of Mr. Jack Metzler, the Superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery (and an honorary Chapter 1 member), Chapter 1 organized the laying of a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The ceremony also included the presentation of a Brigade plaque to Mr. Metzler for display along with all other unit plaques in the guard building adjacent to the Tomb.
Honoring Fallen Sky Soldiers
Throughout the years the Chapter assumed the solemn task of representing the Brigade at the interment of Sky Soldiers in Arlington National Cemetery and other locations within the Chapter’s geographical area of responsibility.
Upon notification, Chapter members dutifully attend the final rites of Sky Soldiers who have served with the Brigade in Vietnam, Vicenza, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The Chapter ensures that all Sky Soldiers are honored by Brigade representation as they enter into the final rest they so richly deserve. Over the years, the Chapter ensured the Brigade colors render a final salute to all Sky Soldiers. Chapter 1 is honored to be trusted with this solemn responsibility.
Supporting Wounded Warriors
Since the GWOT the Chapter began supporting wounded Sky Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Gene Weeks spear-headed this effort, in which the Chapter ensures that wounded Sky Soldiers’ needs were addressed as they recovered from their wounds. John Smith, Jr. took over Wounded Warrior Support andensured that the high standard for this program was maintained for recovering Sky Soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Gold Star Family Support
On 21 February 2009, the Chapter hosted a formal luncheon for local Gold Star Mothers and their families. Chapter member LTC (R) Michael Montie initiated the program and worked closely with Debora Yashinski, of the Gold Star Mothers. Over 30 Gold Star family members attended the event honoring their loved ones lost in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Many of family
members commented how the luncheon provided a wonderful opportunity for closure and assurance that their loved one’s sacrifice would never be forgotten.
The 173rd Airborne Brigade Memorial
From the late 1980s through 2009 Chapter 1 members played a key leadership role in establishing a permanent 173rd Airborne Brigade Memorial on American soil to ensure that the Brigade’s contribution to the cause of freedom would always be remem-bered. This was a significant undertaking in that the Brigade has never had a permanent home on US soil.
The project was approved in 1987 by National President, BG (R) Jack Nicholson, and MG (R) Ellis “Butch” Williamson. Chapter 1 member COL (R) Ken Smith took the lead in this challenging project. He and Chapter 1 colleage, Walt Daniels, developed an initial design and began raising funds. The effort progressed slowly and in 2004 Chapter I President, Terry Modglin, submit-ted a new resolution which succeeded in getting the 173rd Brigade Association Board of Directors and the general membership renew support for the effort. The 173rd Airborne Brigade Memorial Foundation was formed to design, plan, raise funds, and construct the memorial.
Terry Modglin became the first President of the Foundation. The 173rd Airborne Brigade Memorial was dedicated on June 1, 2010, at Patriot Park near the site of the National Infantry Museum, Fort Benning, Georgia. Chapter I continues to be in the forefront of important Brigade projects.
Chapter Honors Roberta ‘Cis’ Sigholtz
In early March 2013, a delegation of Chapter officers and members met at the McLean, Virginia, Sunrise Senior Living Commu-nity. Their purpose was to honor our own Cis Sigholtz as the Founding Mother of Chapter 1 (Sigholtz Capital Chapter).
Cis was married to the late COL Robert Sigholtz, the 2/503 battalion commander during the Brigade’s combat jump in Vietnam and who was also was the Chapter 1 founder. Cis is the Gold Star mother of her beloved son and Chapter 1 namesake CPT Robert Sigholtz, Jr., who was killed in action on 26 May, 1969.
Cis has remained a staunch and devoted supporter of Chapter 1 throughout its existence, including donating Washington Redskins seaso tickets to Airborne Combat Team Wounded Warriors recuperating in the Washington area. Chapter President Michael Montie presented Cis with the Founding Mother plaque and letters written to her by Sky Soldiers from across the country. In recognition of her outstanding support, Chapter 1 Wounded Warrior Support Leader John Smith also presented her a unique engraving prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Serving Sky Soldiers: Past, Present and Future
Chapter I, the first Chapter chartered in the 173rd Airborne Brigade Association, located in the National Capital area, sees itself as the champion and guardian of the 173rd Airborne Brigade’s honor and esteem. Chapter 1 (Sigholtz Capital Chapter) of the 173rd will continually drive on in the spirit of the airborne in fulfilling its mission to serve Sky Soldiers past, present, and future.
These bylaws were adopted at the July 2016 General Membership Meeting.
Chapter 1 Bylaws July 2016
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Chapter President – Steve Brignoli
Steve Brignoli is a former US Army Special Operations Officer with multiple deployments and field experience. He is also an established businessman and the Managing Director of an Anti-Poaching non-profit, Humanitarian Operations Protecting Elephants (H.O.P.E).
As the CEO and Founder of Beyond SOF, a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SD-
VOSB) he employs veterans full and part time to staff federal and commercial jobs with veterans. Steve also consults 7 technology companies, including startups, to provide them a path toward Government funding and eventually tech transition the Warfighter.
Steve’s background as a Special Forces Detachment Commander for 10th Special Forces had a
primary focus on Special Reconnaissance and Foreign Training in the Trans Sahel Region of Northern Africa. He was also a Special Operations Task Unit Commander for TF 10 in Afghanistan responsible for US/Romanian Special Reconnaissance and Direct-Action Missions in RC-East.
Prior to Special Forces, Steve was one of the first lieutenants in the newly reactivated 2-503rd in the recently reactivated 173rd Airborne back in 2001. He served as a Rifle Platoon Leader for 2nd PLT, Able Co, which was the Brigade main effort in an airfield seizure in Czech Republic, followed by a NEO in Hungary. Steve served as the 2-503rd S&T Platoon Leader, Assistant S4, and Chosen Company XO in Iraq. As a 1st LT he planned, led and executed the Brigade Air Load and heavy drop of 64 vehicles into Bashur Airfield in Northern Iraq
Steve has worked for the DIA as Senior Consultant/Analyst, deploying to Afghanistan to liase for the DIA between FBI, DEA, ISAF SOF, and other Intelligence Organizations for target development and prosecution of leading nefarious actors affecting Afghan/Paki/US relations.
Steve served as the Joint Special Operations Command Portfolio Manager for Transitioning technologies at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), helping transition 11 programs totally $2.6B in taxpayer invested defense technology to JSOC and SOCOM.
Steve received his Bachelor’sRD AIRBORNE BRIGADE ASSOCIATION
Steve’s number one priority is that of being a father to his 10 year old son, Valor.
Chapter Vice President-Vacant
Chapter Treasurer – Dick Wrona
Dick Wrona deployed to Vietnam from Ft. Campbell with the 4/503 in 1966. He served as a weapons platoon leader, 4.2 Mortar Platoon leader and Company Commander with the 4/503. Upon returning from Vietnam he served in many airborne and special operations positions before retiring after a full career. In his second career Dick served in a wide variety of classified
government position around the world in roles from operations support, finance and rocurement.
Chapter Secretary – Mack Brooks
Mack was commissioned in the Infantry, in 1969. He served two tours in Vietnam: 173rd Airborne Brigade and, with MACV, as an advisor to the Vietnamese Airborne Division. Mack served with A Company, 4/503 and Aide-de-Camp, while with the Herd. Following Vietnam, Mack transferred to the Adjutant General Corps. His assignments included West Point, as an Admissions Officer; Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe; the National War College; and Army POW-MIA Affairs. After retirement, Mack worked for George Washington University and later for the Defense Security Services (DSS).
Membership Chair – Bob Read
Bob Read was born in Fort Lewis, Washington, and raised in an Army family, with two younger brothers. In 1965, Bob was commissioned from Oregon State University’s ROTC program as a Regular Army Infantry officer. He served from July 1965 until July 1993, when he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. Bob deployed with the 4th Battalion, 503rd Infantry in June 1966, when the
4/503 became part of the 173rd Airborne Brigade. He extended in Vietnam and served nine months with the 5th Special Forces Group. Bob’s second tour in Vietnam was from June 1970 to May 1971, when he served as an advisor with the Vietnamese Rangers and on the IV Corps advisory staff. Bob’s awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal w/V and 3 OLC, Defense Meritorious Service Medals w/OLC, Army Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal w/V and 1 OLC, CIB, and the Senior Parachute Badge.
Following retirement from active duty, Bob worked as a pharmaceutical sales specialist for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals for 16 years. He is now employed part-time at the Troegs Brewing Company, Hershey, PA, as a tour guide. Bob received a BS and an MA degree from Oregon State University. Bob lives with his wife, Judie (married 1968) in Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania. Bob and Judie have two children, LTC Mark Read (US Army) and Melinda Read, and four grandchildren.
Mack 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) Recruiter -Vacant
Brooks – Newsletter Editor of The Herd Word
See Chapter Secretary position for biography
Webmaster – Gene Cartier
Gene Cartier served two tours with the Brigade. The first was as an NCO and Forward Observer with the 4.2 Mortar Platoon of the 1/503d from 1963 to 1965. Gene deployed with the 1/503 from Okinawa to Vietnam in May 1965. After completing Officer Candidate School in 1966, Gene had a second tour with the Brigade as an Artillery Forward Observer with B/1/503d and as the XO of C Battery 3/319th Artillery. After Vietnam Gene stayed in the Army and completed a 22 year career. During that time he served in the 82d Airborne Division, 18th Airborne Corps, US Army Europe and in the Army Special Operations Command. His last Army assignment was as the Chief Information Officer for the Army Inspector General in the Pentagon. After leaving the Army he joined private industry as a systems engineer. He retired from industry in 2013 as the Senior Vice President of Network and Systems Engineering for SRA International, a major systems integration firm.
Wounded Warrior Support Leader – Vacant
Historical Projects Leader – Ed Anthony
Ed Anthony enlisted in the Army in 1959. His first assignment was as an artilleryman on Okinawa. He served two tours as an intelligence advisor to ARVN infantry units in MAAG Vietnam (1963) and MACV (1965) and attained the rank of SSG (P) in Feb 65. Ed was commissioned an MI Second Lieutenant out of Infantry OCS in 1966. He served with the Brigade from April 1967 to April 1968 as a POW Interrogator CLICK HERE TO officer. Ed served tours in USARJ; USAREUR; CENTAG; and Forward TOC S-2 CINCLANT; AFCENT; NSA; and DIA. He graduated from the Air War College; Armed Forces Staff College; and the Infantry, Armor, and MI Advanced Courses. Ed retired from 31 years of active service as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1990 and immediately joined the civilian staff of the Department of the Army, Chief of Staff, for Intelligence in the Pentagon. After serving 19 years on the staff, he retired in April 2009 as a GG-15, Chief, Army Foreign Disclosure
Veterans Administration (VA) Advisor – Mike Bargmann
Michael Bargmann served with C Company, 4/503 in RVN, 1970. He retired in 1972 as a result of multiple gunshot wounds. He had a 30-year career with the Disabled American Veterans, retiring in 2006. He subsequently served on the DOD/VA Senior Oversight Committee, where he revamped the agencies disability system. He has served for the VA’s Central Headquarters,
Office of Policy and Planning, and as the Veteran Service Organization Liaison for the Under Secretary for Benefits. Michael currently serves in the Veteran Heath Administration’s Office of Interagency Affairs. His expertise includes veteran law and management and policy analysis.
Deceased Veteran Families Leader – Vacant
Gold Star Families Leader – Vacant
Gold Star Research Team Leader – Vacant
Contact Us
If you are interested in contacting Sigholtz-Capital Chapter 1 or any of our members: contact any of the above officers, and we will refer your inquiry to the appropriate person.
If you are interested in contacting a Sigholtz-Capital Chapter 1 member, contact any of the officers, and we will refer your inquiry to the member.
List of Sigholtz-Capital Chapter 1 Members (PDF)
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